
Research Interests

  • Latin
  • Old Irish/Celtic
  • Language contact and bilingualism
  • Regional and social variation

Research Experience

  • Summer 2020: Research Assistant to Professor David Goldstein, Department of Linguistics, UCLA
  • Spring 2020: Research Assistant for Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
    Supervisors: Professor Giulia Sissa, Department of Political Science, UCLA; Professor Peter Cowe, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA
  • Summer 2015: Research Assistant with the Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge
    Research Project: Greek in Italy, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council
    Principal Investigator: James Clackson



  • φ-feature Hierarchy and Old Irish Object Pronoun Distribution, in Goldstein, D. M., Jamison, S. W., and Vine, B. (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, 199-220. Hamburg: Buske Verlag.


  • 2017: The Latin of St Patrick: ut-clauses and bilingualism (MPhil thesis)
  • 2016: Ἁρμονία: its musical–mathematical meaning in Longinus’ On the Sublime and Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ On Composition (BASc thesis)


  • September 2022: ‘The Role of Christian Latin in the Development of Romance Vocabulary: A Lexical Study of the Peregrinatio Egeriae’, paper presented at Latin vulgaire – Latin tardif XIV, Ghent, Belgium.
  • November 2021: ‘Person hierarchy effects and Old Irish infix and suffix pronoun distribution’, paper presented at The 32nd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, online
  • April 2018: ‘Was St Patrick a non-native speaker of Latin?’, poster presented at Variation and Contact in the Ancient Indo-European Languages, Pisa, Italy.


  • Summer 2023: Instructor for Linguistics 20: Introduction to Linguistic Analysis
  • Spring 2023: Teaching assistant for Linguistics 119A: Applied Phonology, taught by Dr. Elise Bell, Department of Linguistics, UCLA
  • Winter 2023:Teaching assistant for Linguistics 120B: Syntax I, taught by Dr. Zahra Mirrazi, Department of Linguistics, UCLA
  • Fall 2022: Teaching assistant for Linguistics 120B: Syntax I, taught by Prof. Carson Schütze, Department of Linguistics, UCLA
  • Summer 2022: Instructor for Linguistics 110: Introduction to Historical Linguistics
  • Spring 2022: Teaching assistant for Classics 30: Classical Mythology, taught by Professor Kathryn Morgan, Department of Classics, UCLA
  • Winter 2022: Teaching assistant for Linguistics 120B: Syntax I, taught by Dr. Nicoletta Loccioni, Department of Linguistics, UCLA
  • Fall 2021: Co-Instructor for Latin 1: Elementary Latin, supervised by Dr. Samuel Beckelhymer, Department of Classics, UCLA
  • Spring 2021: Teaching assistant for Linguistics 20: Introduction to Linguistic Analysis, taught by Professor Bruce Hayes, Department of Linguistics, UCLA
  • Winter 2021: Teaching assistant for Linguistics 20: Introduction to Linguistic Analysis, taught by Professor Ethan Poole, Department of Linguistics, UCLA
  • Winter 2020: Teaching assistant for Classics 185: Origin and Nature of English Vocabulary, taught by Professor Brent Vine, Department of Classics, UCLA.
  • Fall 2019: Co-Instructor for Latin 1: Elementary Latin, supervised by Dr Samuel Beckelhymer, Department of Classics, UCLA.


  • Fall 2023: Mellon Foundation Pre-dissertation Fellowship
  • Summer 2022: CMRS-CEGS Graduate Summer Research Fellowship
  • Summer 2021: UCLA Graduate Summer Research Mentorship (Mentor: Prof. David Goldstein)
  • Summer 2020: CMRS Graduate Summer Research Fellowship
  • Summer 2019: UCLA Graduate Summer Research Mentorship (Mentor: Prof. Brent Vine)