This is the schedule of the 22nd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference. Commonly referred to as a “West Coast Indo-European Conference” (WeCIEC), this installment took place on Nov. 5–6, 2010 at the University of California, Los Angeles.
For papers with the symbol, a revised version was published in the conference’s proceedings volume; the symbol links to the program’s publication page, also available here.
Day 1: Friday, November 5, 2010
Opening Remarks
Panel I, chaired by Chiara Bozzone (UCLA)
9:15–9:45 AM
Dieter Gunkel, Kevin Ryan
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München; UCLA
9:45–10:15 AM
Brian Agbayani, Chris Golston
California State University, Fresno
Panel II, chaired by Jessica DeLisi (UCLA)
10:30–11:00 AM
Chundra Cathcart
University of California, Berkeley
11:00–11:30 AM
11:30–12:00 PM
Michael Ellsworth
University of California, Berkeley
Consequences of Special Outcomes of the First Palatalization in Greek
Panel III, chaired by Patrick Connolly (UCLA)
2:45–3:15 PM
3:15–3:45 PM
Panel IV, chaired by Richard Faulkner (UCLA)
4:00–4:30 PM
Darcy Rose
University of Montpellier 1
The *-eye/o- Enigma: Causative and Iterative-Intensive Morphology in Indo-European
4:30–5:00 PM
Day 2: Saturday, November 6, 2010
Panel V, chaired by Christina Skelton (UCLA)
9:15–9:45 AM
9:45–10:15 AM
Panel VI, chaired by Ryan Sandell (UCLA)
10:30–11:00 AM
11:00–11:30 AM
11:30–12:00 PM
Panel VII, chaired by Elizabeth Thornton (UCLA)
2:45–3:15 PM
3:15–3:45 PM
Panel VIII, chaired by Tim Dempsey (UCLA)
4:00–4:30 PM
Adam Hyllested
University of Copenhagen
The Mysterious Elder: Common Traits in Indo-European Names for Sambucus nigra and Viburnum opulus
4:30–5:00 PM