This is the schedule of the 2nd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference. Commonly referred to as a “West Coast Indo-European Conference” (WeCIEC), this installment took place on May 24–26, 1990 at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Day 1: Thursday, May 24, 1990
Welcome by George K. Giannakis (UCLA)
Opening Remarks: "Did the Indo-Europeans have blue blood?" by Hartmut Scharfe (UCLA)
Panel I, chaired by Wilbur Terence (UCLA)
2:00–2:30 PM
Mark Stefanovich
Artificial Intelligence and the Indo-European Paradox
2:30–3:00 PM
Sheldon Klein
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Testing Theories about the Origins of Indo-European Languages by Computer Simulation
Panel II, chaired by Marija Gimbutas (UCLA)
3:15–3:45 PM
Johanna Nichols
University of California, Berkeley
The Indo-European Homeland: Evidence from Northeast Causasian
3:45–4:30 PM
James P. Mallory (Featured Speaker)
Queen’s University, Belfast
Thoughts on the Indo-European Problem
Panel III, chaired by Martin Huld (UCLA)
4:45–5:15 PM
Karlene Jones-Bley
Symbolic Designs and their Relationship to prehistoric Mythology
5:15–5:45 PM
Angela Della Volpe
California State University, Fullerton
On the Indo-European socio-political and religious ideology reflected in the foundation ritual
Day 2: Friday, May 25, 1990
Panel IV, chaired by Raimo Anttila (UCLA)
9:30–10:00 AM
Charles Reiss
Harvard University
PIE *h₁er-: The Semantics of Vengeance and Compensation
10:00–10:30 AM
Bridget Drinka
University of Texas, Austin
Lachman’s Law: A New Phonological Approach
10:30–11:00 AM
Bill J. Darden
University of Chicago
RHC vs. HRHC in Balto-Slavic and PIE
Panel V, chaired by Patrick Ford (UCLA)
11:15–11:45 AM
Terence Wilbur
11:45–12:30 PM
Eric Hamp (Featured Speaker)
University of Chicago
Linguistic Morphology in Cultural Reconstruction
Panel VI, chaired by Richard Janko (UCLA)
2:00–2:30 PM
George K. Giannakis
Peculiar Uses of certain Tenses in Greek and Sanskrit
2:30–3:00 PM
Apostolos Athanassakis
University of California, Santa Barbara
The Eagle of Penelope’s Dream and the speaking Swan of Nalopākhyāna 27
3:00–3:45 PM
Calvert Watkins (Featured Speaker), presented by Joseph F. Nagy (UCLA)
Harvard University
Obscure styles in Indo-European
Panel VII, chaired by Apostolos Athanassakis (University of California, Santa Barbara)
4:00–4:30 PM
Richard Janko
Ideas of Death and Fate in Greek and Indo-European
4:30–5:00 PM
Martin Schwartz
University of California, Berkeley
On Parallelism of Semantic Change and Etymological Method: The Reconstruction of the PIE Word ‘winter’
5:00–5:30 PM
Darl J. Dumont
University of California, Santa Barbara
The Ash Tree in Indo-European Culture
Day 3: Saturday, May 26, 1990
Panel VIII, chaired by Heidi Waltz (UCLA)
9:30–10:00 AM
John D. Frauzel
A Comparative study of the Absolutive Constructions in Four Indo-European Languages
10:00–10:30 AM
Carol F. Justus
San Jose State University
Changes in the Discourse Pragmatics of the Indo-European Vocative Case
10:30–11:00 AM
L. Brockman
Harvard University
The Outlaw and ‘Wolf’ in the oldest Indo-Iranian Texts
Panel IX, chaired by Hanns-Peter Schmidt (UCLA)
11:15–11:45 AM
George Thompson
University of California, Berkeley
The First Word for ‘word’ in Sanskrit
11:45–12:30 PM
Stanley Insler
Yale University
The Dynamics of Animate s-Stem Inflection in Indoiranian
Panel X, chaired by Henning Andersen (UCLA)
2:00–2:30 PM
Gary Holland
University of California, Berkeley
The Syntax and Semantics of the Vedic Particle cit
2:30–3:00 PM
Martin E. Huld
California State University, Los Angeles
Some Comments on the Evolution of the Indo-European Kinship Terms with Respect to Dialect Geography
3:00–3:30 PM
Ralph Gallucci
Loyola-Marymount University
Early Greek Kinship Structures: Tribe, Phratry, Clan
Panel XI, chaired by Karlene Jones-Bley (UCLA)
3:45–4:30 PM
Elizabeth Barber
Occidental College
Doublets, Shadows, and Anomalies: The Faces of Archaeolinguistic Reconstruction
4:30–5:00 PM
Patrick McReynolds
The Emanation of Heaven and *Yemo
Panel XII, chaired by Tomoyuki Inoue (UCLA)
5:15–5:45 PM
M. Olcott
San Jose State University
Ἤλεκτρον: Greek Etymology of Baltic Mythology
5:45–6:15 PM
Frank R. Trombley
Pagan Celtic Religious Cult and Christianization in Sixth-century Anatolia and Merovingian Gaul