This is the schedule of the 19th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference. Commonly referred to as a “West Coast Indo-European Conference” (WeCIEC), this installment took place on Nov. 2–3, 2007 at the University of California, Los Angeles.
For papers with the symbol, a revised version was published in the conference’s proceedings volume; the symbol links to the program’s publication page, also available here.
Day 1: Friday, November 2, 2007
Opening Remarks
Panel I, chaired by Tim Dempsey (UCLA)
9:00–9:30 AM
Jay H. Jasanoff
Harvard University
Analogy as Sporadic Sound Change
9:30–10:00 AM
Kanehiro Nishimura
A Historical Analysis of Latin Vowel Reduction: Prosody, Phonetics, and Analogy
10:00–10:30 AM
Nikolai N. Kazansky
Institut lingvisticheskikh issledovanij, RAN
Syntactic Position and Syncope in Archaic Latin
Panel II, chaired by Moss Pike (UCLA)
10:45–11:15 AM
Todd C. Clary
Cornell University
Restrictions on the Use of the Figura Etymologica in Ancient Greek Epic
11:15–11:45 AM
Edwin D. Floyd
University of Pittsburgh
Posin endon eonta: Etymology and Literary Analysis at Odyssey 19.477
11:45–12:15 PM
Featured Speaker
1:45–2:45 PM
Asko Parpola
University of Helsinki
Panel III, chaired by Anna Pagé (UCLA)
3:00–3:30 PM
Jared S. Klein
University of Georgia
Numeral Repetition in the Rigveda and the Evolution of Rigvedic Style
3:30–4:00 PM
Benedicte Nielsen
Cambridge University
The Origins of the Compositional Type Ved. bharádvāja
4:00–4:30 PM
Carlotta Viti
University of Pisa
The Verb-Initial Word Order in the Early Poetry of Vedic and Ancient Greek
Panel IV, chaired by Kaspars Ozolins (UCLA)
4:45–5:15 PM
Hans Henrich Hock
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
5:15–5:45 PM
Adam Hyllested
University of Copenhagen
Indo-European Substrates in Balto-Slavic Revisited
5:45–6:15 PM
Joshua T. Katz
Princeton University
Not Very Indo-European: Russian ochen‘
Day 2: Saturday, November 3, 2007
Panel V, chaired by Andrew Byrd (UCLA)
9:00–9:30 AM
Benjamin W. Fortson IV
University of Michigan
9:30–10:00 AM
Jeremy Rau
Harvard University
The Nature of the IE Decade-Formation
10:00–10:30 AM
Alan J. Nussbaum
Cornell University
The End of Some Compounds in Greek
Panel VI, chaired by Elizabeth Thornton (UCLA)
10:45–11:15 AM
Patrick Taylor
Houghton Mifflin
Bhiṣma on the Plain of Olympia: Indic Perspectives on Some Fragments of the Hesiodic Corpus
11:15–11:45 AM
Timothy Barnes
Harvard University
Av. hauruuatāt- amərə(ta)tāt-, Gk. ἀνδροτῆτα καὶ ἥβην: On the Prehistory of Greek Ritual Language
11:45–12:15 PM
Panel VII, chaired by Sherrylyn Branchaw (UCLA)
3:00–3:30 PM
3:30–4:00 PM
Rebeca Solís Berni, Carlos Molina Valero
Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universidad de Murcia
Panel VIII, chaired by Kanehiro Nishimura (UCLA)
4:00–4:30 PM
4:30–5:00 PM
David Goldstein
University of California, Berkeley
The Dative of Agent in Ancient Greek