The 232nd annual meeting of the American Oriental Society (AOS 232) is on March 18–March 21, 2022. The program features many talks by UCLA linguists:
- John Clayton: The Lengthening of *i, *u > ī, ū / __rC in Sanskrit
- Ian Hollenbaugh (alum, now at Washington University): Primary Root Aorists in Vedic: A tezzi Principle?
- Anahita Hoose: Syntactic and Functional Evidence for Āpat as an Ex-Perfect
- Stephanie Jamison: Another, Unrecognized, cvi Construction in the Rigveda: Philological and Literary Aspects
- Alex Roy: On the Imputed Pudor of the Apsarás–
- Thomas Motter: Hittite Determinate Correlatives are not Indefinite
Further details are available here.