WeCIEC Debrief | PIES Grad Seminar
Dodd 232 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CAPlease join us in person or online here: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93986086735
Please join us in person or online here: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93986086735
This week, PIES and NELC are hosting a talk by Willemijn Waal entitled “Literacy in the Late Bronze Aegean in the Mirror of Anatolia”. Please join us in Kaplan 365 for this talk.
PIES Graduate Seminar is meeting this week on Wed. Nov. 15th, 6.00-8.00 pm PDT, exclusively online via the following link: PIES Grad Sem: Wed. 10/25, 6.00 - 8.00 pm https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93986086735 In this week's meeting, we will watch together the recording of a lecture by Kim McCone (Maynooth University) entitled "Indo-European sodalities and age-sets: the origins of Rome's curiae and Curia". This was the first of the...
PIES Graduate Seminar is meeting this week on Wed. Nov. 29th, 6.00-8.00 pm PDT, in Dodd 248, or online via the following link: PIES Grad Sem: Wed. 11/29, 6.00 - 8.00 pm (Dodd 248) https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93986086735 Tony Yates will give a practice talk entitled "Cyclicity as a Proto-Indo-European Phenomenon" for the Sixth Edinburgh Symposium on Historical...
PIES Graduate Seminar is meeting this week on Wed. Dec. 1st, 6.00-8.00 pm PDT, in Dodd 248, or online via the following link: PIES Grad Sem: Wed. 12/01, 6.00 - 8.00 pm (Dodd 248) https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93986086735 Thomas Motter will give a practice talk entitled "Proleptic correlatives and dynamic construction formation in Hittite" for the 2024 LSA Annual Meeting (https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/#/event/public/4438/information?page=1813). As usual, the seminar...
Happy New Year! PIES Graduate Seminar is resuming its weekly meetings. As last quarter, we are meeting on Wednesdays, 6.00-8.00 pm PDT in Dodd 248, starting this week on Jan. 10th. PIES Grad Sem: Thurs. 01/10, 6.00 - 8.00 pm (Dodd 248) https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93986086735 Muhammad Rehan will inaugurate the 2024 meetings, sharing with us the presentation "Re-mixing a piss-poor etymology: Gk. μοιχός and OE (ge)māh"....
PIES Graduate Seminar is meeting this week on Wed. Jan. 17th, 6.00-8.00 pm PST, in Dodd 248, or online via the following link: PIES Grad Sem: Thurs. 01/17, PST 6.00 - 8.00 pm (Dodd 248) https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93986086735 In this week's meeting Aidan Holmgren will present "CRUS-nu-ha wani=sa*: the morphophonology of Luwian neuter nouns". As usual, the seminar is accompanied by food and drink....
PIES Graduate Seminar is meeting this week on Wed. Jan. 24th, 6.00-8.00 pm PST, in Dodd 248, or online via the following link: PIES Grad Sem: Thurs. 01/24, PST 6.00 - 8.00 pm (Dodd 248) https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93986086735 In this week's meeting Nick Guymon will present "The Future Tense in Proto-Romance: Prosodic and Phonological Consequences and Evidence for Conjugation Shifts". As usual, the...
PIES Graduate Seminar is meeting this week on Wed. Feb. 28th, 6.00-8.00 pm PDT, in Dodd 248, or online via the following link: PIES Grad Sem: Wed. 02/28, 6.00 - 8.00 pm (Dodd 248) https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93986086735 In this week's meeting, we are excited to welcome Andrew Bock from NELC! The title of his talk is "Wait for it: Anticipatory Genitives in Sumerian and Akkadian". This is the first of a series of practice...
PIES Graduate Seminar is meeting this week on Wed. Mar. 6th, 6.00-8.00 pm PDT, in Dodd 248, or online via the following link: PIES Grad Sem: Wed. 03/06, 6.00 - 8.00 pm (Dodd 248) https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93986086735 In this week's meeting, we are continuing our series of Spring practice talks with Elisa's practice talk for CAMWS 2024 entitled "Applying for the Position of “Resident Poet”: Damophilos in Pythian 4.279–299". As...
PIES Graduate Seminar is meeting this week on Wed. Mar. 13th, 6.00-8.00 pm PDT, in Dodd 248, or online via the following link: PIES Grad Sem: Wed. 03/13, 6.00 - 8.00 pm (Dodd 248) https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93986086735 In this week's meeting, we will continue our AOS practice talks with Alex Roy whose presentation is titled "“No Tigers in the R̥g-Veda”: On the Hazardous Intersection of Philology, Geography, and Taxonomy". If you'd like to peruse...
This year we are excited to welcome Professor Philomen Probert from Oxford University to teach our Block Seminar. It is titled "Greek, Latin, and diachronic change in prosodic systems: some things we know and things we would like to know" and will be held April 15th–19th. This year we are excited to welcome Professor Philomen...