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Block Seminar 2024 | Session 5, Another problem: how did the Greek law of limitation come about?
Apr 19, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Dodd 248,
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90025 United States
Los Angeles, CA 90025 United States
Suggested reading: one or more of the following, on the origins of the law of limitation (a, b) and/or on its synchronic analysis (c, d).
(a) Probert, P. 2012. ‘Origins of the Greek law of limitation’. In P. Probert and A. Willi (eds), Laws and rules in Indo-European. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 163–81. YRL; P561 .L39 2012 (hard copy)
(b) Dieu, É. 2022. Traité d’accentuation grecque. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck, 65–80 (especially 77–80). or (hard copy)
(c) Sandell, R. 2023. ‘An updated treatment of recessive accentuation in Attic-Ionic Greek: optimizing the Golstonian analysis’. Handout, 42nd East Coast Indo-European Conference, Carrboro, NC. or
(d) Probert, P. forthcoming. ‘Open questions in Greek phonology: some new evidence from enclitics’. In J. de la Villa and A. Striano (eds), Advances in Ancient Greek Linguistics. Berlin: de Gruyter.
To facilitate discussion, please send Professor Probert an email ( by 9 p.m. on the day before the seminar if possible, with a reaction (however brief) to something in this reading.