
Call For Papers

The Thirty-Sixth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference has been scheduled for Friday and Saturday, October 24–25, 2025.

We invite papers on any aspect of Indo-European studies: linguistics, archaeology, comparative mythology/poetics, culture. Papers on both interdisciplinary and specific topics (e.g., typology, methodology, reconstruction, the interpretation of material culture, etc.) are welcome. A period of twenty minutes will be allotted for each paper, followed by a ten-minute discussion period.


Abstracts must be received by 1 June 2025.


We ask that those contemplating submission of an abstract please pay careful attention to the following guidelines:

  • Abstracts should be no more than 1–2 pages typewritten (about 700 words maximum) and should be anonymous.
  • Please attach a separate cover sheet, with your name, institutional affiliation, and accurate contact information (mailing address and e-mail address) for the summer and fall of 2025.
  • Abstracts should indicate the precise topic to be treated, the author’s contribution to the problem, the relationship of the work to previous scholarship on the topic, and the author’s specific conclusions and their relevance for the field of Indo-European Studies.
  • Only one abstract may be submitted per person.

If an abstract is accepted:

  • The author will be invited to submit a revised abstract by 1 October 2025 for publication on line;
  • The final version of the paper must be read at the conference by the author of the abstract. (In the case of a co-authored abstract, the final version must be presented by one or more of the co-authors.)

Submission of Abstracts and Inquiries to:

Preliminary abstracts may be submitted using the form below, or alternatively emailed to

Mailing address (for summer and fall)(Required)
Max. file size: 50 MB.
File must be anonymized.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Name, institutional affiliation, email address, mailing address.